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来源:出国留学生活 时间:2022-07-09 作者:出国留学就业 浏览量:

费城艺术大学(The University of The Arts)建于1985年,是全美最古老并致力于艺术教育的学校,1985年由费城表演艺术学院和费城艺术学院合并而成,这两所学校的历史都可以追溯到19世纪70年代。校园位于宾夕法尼亚州中心城市费城的艺术大道,主要分为三个学院:艺术与设计学院、表演艺术学院、媒体和传播学院。1983年,该学校建立了一个剧院,成为首个在宾夕法尼亚州以提供全面的专业音乐、舞蹈和戏剧的机构。 合并后,增添了媒体与传播学院。目前在校学生约有2100名,500多名教职员工,学校为社会培养了大批的音乐人士、画家、教育家和设计师。

Craft & Material Studies(工艺及材料研究)、Interdisciplinary Fine Arts(交叉艺术)、Photography(摄影)、Advertising Design(广告设计)、Graphic Design(平面设计)、Industrial Design(工业设计)、Web Development & Interaction Design(网站开发&交互设计)、Animation(动画)、Film & Video(电影)、Writing for Film & Television(电影&电视编剧)、Dance Program(舞蹈专业)、Composition(作曲)、Instrumental Performance(演奏)、Music Business(音乐商业)、Entrepreneurship & Technology(企业家精神&技术)、Vocal Performance(声乐表演)、Acting(演戏)、Directing(导演)、Playwriting & Production(剧本创作&生产)、Musical Theater(音乐剧表演)、Theater Design & Technology(剧场设计&技术)、Creative Writing(创意写作)、Film & Media Studies(电影&媒体研究)
Art Education(艺术教育)、Museum Communication(博物馆传播)、Museum Education(博物馆教育)、Music Education(音乐教育)、Visual Arts(视觉艺术)、Educational Program Design(教育程序设计)、Book Arts/Printmaking(装订艺术/版画制作)、Museum Exhibition Planning & Design(博物馆策划与设计)、Studio Art(画室艺术)、Industrial Design(工业设计)、Jazz Studies(爵士研究)、Music Education(音乐教育)
1. Transcript/Grade Sheets All International applicants must provide a complete, notarized transcript from every school attended On the high school /secondary and post-secondary level (Please see "Transfer of Credit" above for foreign university transcripts). Transcripts are official documents that must be signed by the authority in each school you have attended.
2. English Language Requirements International students whose native language is not English must submit the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A TOEFL score of 550 paper-based/ 80 internet-based or an IELTS score of 6.0 and above is required for unconditional admission.(for Graduate:TOEFL score of 92 (iBT) or 580 (PBT) or higher, an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher)
3. Certificate of Finance The University requires that all international applicants submit proof of sufficient available funds to cover all of your educational and personal expenses while studying at The University of the Arts. All applicants intending to seek or hold an F-1 visa must complete the Certificate of Finance, Affidavit of Support, and provide a current bank statement. The Certificate of Finance form must be completed in English and notarized by your bank official. This statement must declare the availability of U.S. $55,327.00 (2013-2014) to cover the costs of One year of education and personal expenses. The I-20 form cannot be issued without a valid Certificate of Finance.
4. Letter of Recommendation You are required to submit at least One letter of recommendation from an instructor with whom you have worked in an artistic capacity. Letters written in languages other than English must be translated by a certified translator. Both the original and the certified translation must be included in the application.
5. Portfolio and Audition Requirements International students must satisfy the same portfolio and audition requirements as all other applicants. The University of the Arts seeks students who demonstrate talent and potential in their chosen creative discipline. Therefore, all programs require a portfolio, writing sample, audition and/or interview as part of the application for admission. These evaluations are used to determine acceptance into a program of study, as well as eligibility for merit-based scholarships.
1.Undergraduate 本科(per credit) Graduate
Full Time Undergraduate (12-18 credits per semester) and Graduate (9-18 credits per semester)
Annual Tuition $38,410
2.研究生(per credit)
Part Time & Over 18 credits $1,601 $1,874
Non-Matriculated $1,120 $1,311
MFA Studio Arts Low-Residency   $1,198
MM program with Villanova University   $595


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